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Labor Day Holiday & Week of 9/6

Hi everyone,

great job yesterday at the meet. Thank you for all the volunteer help, the meet ran flawlessly in the morning. We were strong at all three divisions, sweeping the meet and winning all 3 races. Varsity kicked off the day by winning via the 6th runner tie breaker, JV followed up with a convincing win, and intermediates highlighted the day with a "perfect score" of 15; placing all 5 scoring runners in the 1st through 5th. More importantly, we still have a lot of room for improvement. It was equally great to see the non racers on site to cheer on their teammates.

Monday is a holiday. No team practice, but get in a 40-60min (depending on your usual group) steady run on your own either Sunday or Monday & keep up with 100/100 & hips. Use the long weekend to get a jump on your upcoming school work if possible, that way you might be able to focus more on recovery during the week. We will resume the regular schedule Tuesday for JV/V and Wed for Intermediates, including Tuesday morning swim.

We should find out the details for next week’s meet mid week, here's what we know:

- Saturday, 9/11, afternoon meet starting at 2pm (ACT in the morning)

- We will most likely be racing at Punahou; limited entries of 7~10 runners per division

- We will assign the teams once details are confirmed, but we expect to move around some 9th graders to JV/V

- No spectators on Punahou campus



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